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Fashion should be about diversity, about shaping culture through its design, its making and its life on our bodies. It’s a chance to express ourselves in creative and practical ways.

Fashion is not a new thing in the world as it is found every where. Fashion changed from time to time but it has shown its existence in all ages. Not only young people do fashion, children, old people also do it. Everybody can do it. But yes! for all age groups, fashion is different.

Fashion is an artistic expression of what is inside. I believe that fashion has the ability to transform you into a new personality, a different person. Most of the styles are applies by teenagers. They always want something unique and new style that differs from others. Therefore, they create a new line of fashion trends to keep their own identity as a teenager.

ジャンル: ファッション・インテリア — vilabutin
4:14 PM  コメント (0)